Thursday, May 16, 2013

What Do You Want Them To Think? Think About It Thursdays

I've been meeting a lot of people this past week. A lot of people. Which is great, of course, but it makes me nervous. As an introvert, I'm terrible at coming up with small talk, and I'm terrified that I'm going to say something stupid. And that is not an unfounded fear, by the way – I have a habit of slurring or totally mispronouncing words when I'm nervous, coming out sounding somewhere between a sleepy Australian and a goat.

When you meet someone for the very first time, what do you want them to think of you? First impressions are often the most important; the first ten minutes of conversation tend to make or break a connection. Now, I will be the first to admit that this is not always true! Many of the friends I respect the most are the ones I wasn't too fond of at first. But you always want people to walk away with at least a healthy respect.

I want people to walk away from me knowing that I am straightforward, I have a good (if quirky) sense of humor, and that I live for a purpose greater than myself.  I also hope not to come off too stupid with the whole Aussi goat thing. I don't expect, nor even want everyone to like me, but I would like them to remember me with a degree of respect.

Last week, I had someone pay me an unexpected compliment that I really appreciated. It was someone who I had met once about four years ago, briefly conversed, and hadn't really thought about since. I ran into them at a conference and after 'reintroducing' myself, he said, “Wait, I remember you now – you are really easy-going, and you smile a lot... I like your personality.” It was just a passing comment, and he wasn't trying to flatter me, but it gave me a genuine objective look at how one person had formed an impression of me, and it’s one I hope most people come away with.

What do you want people to remember when they first meet you? What kind of impression do you want to leave people with? Leave me a comment!

*I'm back!! This is the post I was supposed to put up last week during Focal Point, but never got around to. We're going to have a bonus post to make up for it. :)


  1. I always hope people just won't think I'm stupid. Is that too much to hope???
    You kill me with the "aussie goat" thing. LOL

    1. Oh Judy, stupid is the last thing anyone would think! Your personality is so great!

    2. After reading the other comments--and your replies--I realize that the reason I feel that way is that I am, by nature, a real introvert. Underneath. I've had to learn to get out of my comfort zone. BUT I still struggle with meeting new people. My goal is always to put them at ease, but I still hope they don't walk away thinking I'm not too bright. ;-) I am okay with it nowadays--by my age, I might as well be. LOL (You are too sweet, Toni!)

  2. I want to be seen as a knowledgeable, logical, godly man, rather than a foolish, emotionally guided, sinful immature boy.

    1. Is this A. Silas? :) All I can say is that anyone who has these aspirations for life will be a glory to God and an honor to his parents!

    2. Thank you! I do hope to be a glory to God and an honor to my parents! (And yes, I am A. Silas; K. Westbrook is my aunt.)

  3. I would be happy with "she seems alright". Though I'm more likely to come across as "well, that was painful, I wonder if she is all there".

    1. Heh, Karen, I think that is something we all deal with as introverts! I have to decide that I like myself enough not to be self-conscious when I talk to people.

      P.S. You are way more than alright! :)

  4. I would be happy with "she seems alright". Though I'm more likely to come across as "well, that was painful, I wonder if she is all there".

  5. I want to come off as genuine, and non-threatening. As an EXTRA-extrovert, I tend to be a little too happy to meet new people! lol. I think you presented yourself with respect and a calm friendliness. In fact, I felt like I got to see the real you this past two weeks. And that's saying a lot considering we live in the same house! I think you're an awesome sister by the way! :)

  6. I want to come off as friendly, caring, and not dumb. But no matter how outgoing I try to be, no matter if I am the one who approaches people to say hello, no matter how much or how little I think I am talking, I always find out later that people think I am quiet and shy, but sweet. Could be worse, I suppose. :-)

    1. I think that is the sign of a meek and quiet spirit. :) It doesn't mean you don't have feelings just as strong as the next person, but your person carries with it a calm quiet that people remember. The jealous person calls it "stuck up", the wise person calls it dignity.

      You are sweet... with a side of spunky, lol. Sugar and spice! :)

    2. Hey, that's NOT Judy in TX. LOL I read it and thought "I didn't write that. . . did I????" No, I didn't. That is Beth, my daughter. I must have left my gmail signed in. bummer.

    3. Haha, too funny! "Would the real Judy in TX please stand up..." :)
      Well, I feel that way about both of you, though Beth is definitely more reserved until you get to know her better! The quiet ones always have a wild side! Lol What I admire about Beth is that she is willing to step out there and introduce herself to new people - that is a HUGE hurdle that I struggle to get over, and I am in awe of those who do!
